After four long years of hardship and then some more, the commencement ceremony is finally here!! Let’s meet some of the B.J.M. graduates of 2018 and see what they are up to now.

First up is Thossaporn Phanpinit or Mook. She graduated with First-class Honors and the highest overall grade in the specialized courses. On D-day, Mook will be first in line, leading the JC graduates to receive the long-awaited diploma.
Because she previously studied in Canada, Mook was looking for a university in Thailand that offered an international program and satisfied her interest in filming. The choices came down to CU and TU, but the greater varieties in the B.J.M. curriculum had ultimately won her over.
Mook is now the co-founder of Mandolin Media Thailand, creative director of FabUKTV Magazine (London), and editor of FabUKTV (Thailand). She works in the video production field, doing behind-the-scenes of documentaries, corporate videos, and commercials. This year, Mook also flew to England as an accredited photographer to shoot London Fashion Week 2020.

With the start of her career life, Mook found that the skills she has acquired from B.J.M. has helped her out a great deal, especially with communication with foreign clients. News writing skills were essential qualities that she needed during her internship and for her news career. Mook wanted to give a special thanks to Asst. Prof. Karntachat Raungratanaamporn for giving her valuable lessons on filming and photography.
In the future, Mook plans to grow her company into a bigger level by increasing the international client base and expanding her business in Thailand.
“Everyone is at the same level. Keep trying different things and find your interest.”
Next in line is Eriko Iwamoto. She, too, graduated with First-class Honors and won a MEXT scholarship to study a Master’s degree in Japan.

Eriko has always had an interest in mass communication. At first, she hesitated between a degree in Psychology and Journalism, but a careful contemplation had brought about a realization that mass communication knowledge could be extended to different, wider contexts in everyday life.
Earlier, Eriko applied for a Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho:MEXT) scholarship for international students in Japan. Her confidence in the research topic and determination to bring benefits to both Thailand and Japan during the selection interview attracted the spotlight to Eriko. And she was selected to receive the scholarship in the end.
Although the unprecedented strike of COVID-19 crisis has primarily suspended all international flights, Eriko’s plan has not completely gone to ruins. She has, instead, started her master’s degree through an online platform. At a rough estimate, she would be out with a brand-new master’s degree and an even brighter future in two years.

In her research, Eriko has been using the communication theories she learned in the four years with B.J.M. to maximum advantage. The racial diversity in the B.J.M. student body has enhanced her understanding of cultural differences and familiarity with communication with people from contrasting backgrounds.
Once she completes her master’s degree, Eriko has set her mind to two possible scenarios: 1) she will work in a company in Japan, or 2) she will find a job in a Japanese company in Thailand.
To all 2019’s graduates, Eriko said, “Do not be disheartened.” With COVID-19 still prevalent, some people may develop a feeling that they are not worthy of the diploma, but Eriko believes that, “Everyone is and always will be special in their own way.”