There have been considerable changes in the media world in recent years. The ways that news is reported and distributed have greatly expanded, and media practitioners must possess multiple skills in order to stay relevant today. It is crucial that students are taught to use modern media technology but should also be aware of how the media has traditionally worked and should adhere to the ethical bedrock concerns and requirements that media professionals have always been required to possess. Graduates of the B.J.M. program will have the knowledge, skills and proficiency necessary to thrive in this field and can expect to become future leading communicators with advance English communication skills to thrive in the international environments.
**Curriculum 2018 (Student ID 61-64) Click
First Year
First Semester | Second Semester |
First Semester | Second Semester |
First Semester | Second Semester |
First Semester | Second Semester |
2. Specialized Courses 93 credits
2.1 Compulsory courses 75 credits
Compulsory courses in the faculty 66 credits | ||
Compulsory Courses outside the faculty 9 credits | ||
2.2 Compulsory Elective Courses 18 credits
Students must select 6 courses from the following
Journalism Track | Strategic Communication Track |
2.3 Optional Elective Courses 6 credits
Students may choose to study 6 credits worth of any optional elective courses from other international programs offered by at Thammasat University. Alternatively, students may choose optional elective courses offered by the Bachelor of Arts Program in Journalism (Media Studies, International Program) from the following list:
Courses List | ||
Course Description
JM 200 Understanding Communication Today The basic concepts and essential skills needed to communicate at various levels including theories, different types of media, research methods, ethical issues, and study skills for success as a communications professional. |
JM 372 Photography for Communication Camera and equipment practice that aims for visual communication through photography. Study meaning construction that match several genres of photography. Study composition and lighting design that help photograph communicate. |
JM 201 Media Law and Ethics Human rights and freedoms, covering philosophy, government regulations, offences of defamation, journalism law related and other relevant laws and regulations. Responsibilities of media business, such as journalist ethics, advertising and public relations code of conduct. |
JM 375 International Film Critique and analyze cinematic expression, production, and markets in various regions of the world: contemporary cinema in Asian and Islamic societies, art house cinema in Europe, realist cinema in Latin America, and emerging DIY cinema in Africa. |
JM 204 Media and Social Diversity Exploring social diversity with aid of media and communication, facilitating various issues, such as gender, ethnicity, age, nationality and social class. |
JM 401 Health and Environmental Communication Principles and implications in environmental and health communication in local and global context. Plan, execute and evaluate health and environmental campaign. |
JM 210 Principle of Journalism Understanding the foundation of journalism and its contribution to democracy. Explores roles, responsibility and practices of journalists in contemporary context. Basic news gathering and types of News.
JM 402 Communicating in a Globalized World Understand the importance of culture in communication. Develop intercultural understanding and sensitivity through a variety of issues. Knowledge, attitudes, and skills essential for building relationships and resolving conflicts with cultural others, as well as developing an awareness of one’s own culture. |
JM 211 News Writing Practical approaches to various forms of news writing, understandings of news elements, news values and news gathering: interviewing, pinpointing news pegs, organizing ideas and using proper language for news writing. |
JM 403 Selected Topic in Media Studies Analyses on media studies issues selected and determined by the instructor(s) for each semester in accordance with academic and professional advances. |
JM 212 Data Journalism Explore concepts, development and visualization of data journalism, building fundamental skills to gather, organize, analyze and visualize data with practices on data usage for journalistic purposes. |
JM 413 Photojournalism Techniques, concepts, art, and ethics of photography to convey meanings through photojournalism practice, for instance, news photos, reportage, and documentary. The assessment of the story value as well as investigative research for storytelling. Images selection and organization for presentation on various media from still images, motion images, and mixed media. |
JM 231 Writing for Broadcasting and Digital Media Genres and structures in Broadcasting. Program proposal and script writing for broadcasting and digital platforms, practicing on program script format and storytelling techniques for production. |
JM 414 Peace Journalism Conceptual meanings of peace; conflict and violence; conflict-triggering processes; the roles of media and violence; information gathering and in-depth reporting in conflict-sensitive situations; conflict prevention initiatives and non-violent solutions, using media as influential peace-building mechanism. |
JM 267 Audience Analysis Theory based audience analysis (communication, psychology, marketing). Internal and external factors influencing audienceship, practices typical of categorizing audiences, stakeholders, consumers and media users. |
JM 416 Investigative Journalism Concepts and study of investigative news and news feature. Importance of primary and secondary information gathering. In depth interviewing technique. Practical work of investigative journalism. Presentational execution of news report. |
JM 300 Communication Theory Using classic and contemporary concepts and theories to understand the practical implications and analyze current issues in today’s mediatized world. The use of communication theory for professional careers and academic research. |
JM 421 Media Business Management Overview and background of media business management in contemporary social settings. Application of management theories to different media business contexts. Emergence of media entrepreneurship. Study of case studies covering marketing/advertising agencies, production houses, film studios, and video game companies. Evaluation and comparison of business models and value creation for various media companies. |
JM 301 Art for Communication Meaning of arts for communication, in media contexts, study of tastes and decency, principles of artistic communication, including visual, motion and sound. |
JM 426 Communication for Sustainability The mediation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and its solutions in different countries and contexts, specifically to journalism and communication profession, discussing issues of representation, culture, and transparency, as well as debating multicultural approaches towards creating sustainable development in various societies. |
JM 302 Communication Research Principles, processes, and basic techniques of both qualitative and quantitative communication research methods. Developing essential skills necessary to collect and analyze data, and present research results through case studies. |
JM 427 Seminar in Journalism and Social Change Journalism and media convergence in contemporary society. Discussing and debating social issues, relevant to and through critical lens of the media. |
JM 307 Arts of Storytelling Foundation of storytelling and its contribution to human communication from oral tradition to contemporary society. Examine elements of story and its power to engage audience. Explore the potential of storytelling for a variety of media professionals. |
JM 421 Media Business Management An overview and backgrounder of media business management in contemporary social settings. Case studies in diverse media business and emerging media entrepreneurship. Evaluation and comparison between media business. |
JM 308 Political Communication Fundamental knowledge in political communication, emphasizing political communication as a cause for political changes and as a sensitive system, which is influenced by political changes. The course will examine the relationship between those roles and those factors at both small and a large scale levels. |
JM 428 Media and Popular Culture Discuss popular culture, including comics, movies, novels, magazines, soap operas, online memes, sporting events, and television commercials, not simply as entertainment but as sources of social criticism in relation to issues of class, identity, collective memory, power, and diplomacy. |
JM 310 Journalistic Content Writing Sharpening advanced journalistic writing skills across media platforms. Complementing other courses that equip students with hard news and feature writing techniques. Developing particular writing skills for opinion pieces, including editorials and Op-Eds. Training how to create other journalistic content in various formats fit for the digital age to attract and engage readers. |
JM 451 Corporate Communication Corporate communication in contemporary context. Corporate values, culture, identity, image and reputation. Management of relationship with various stakeholders including media, communities, investors, influencers, etc. Issue management and crisis communication. |
JM 311 Editor Essentials Roles, responsibilities, meaning, importance, and scope of editorial work. Selecting, preparing, and proofreading and editing content through factual verification and ethical approaches. |
JM 452 Creative Writing for Corporate Communication Developing key message for corporate communication. Data gathering and analysis for writing specifically through usage of social listening tools. Practicing on writing pieces for corporate communication (for example, news release, advertorial, story blog, social media post, and website content writing.) |
JM 313 Community Media Definition and characteristics of community media, which is a crucial mechanism for community’s self-reliance; community study and community problem analysis to create necessary community-based media that serve its purposes. |
JM 456 Brand Communication Concept and importance of branding, brand equity, brand management, and brand formulation to build and strengthen brand. |
JM 318 Feature Writing Principles, formats, and steps for writing features for various mass media; practicing related information gathering on creative writing skills, as well as focusing on ethical guidelines for writers. |
JM 457 Issue Management and Crisis Communication Issue management and crisis communication, analysis of issues and problem solving, using various methods: public hearing, image restoration, application of integrated methods in communication planning for issue and crisis management. |
JM 319 Current Affairs Interpretation and rationalisation of current affairs. Explore and examine the significant issues in the news in perspective. News composition, interconnection of the varying, significant components of the news issues, embodiment of the ultimate implication and execution of the BAI model, which culminates in the construction of an analytical, individualised debate of news. Addressing factors that create dynamisms and meaningful impacts on the evolving situations in the political, economic and social contexts. |
JM 466 Digital Strategy Using Digital strategies in applied ways; focusing on real world issues from both advertising and journalistic points of view. Strategic approaches for digital media projects from digital marketing & storytelling to measurable techniques. |
JM 330 Broadcast and Digital Media Production Basic concepts, strategies and production procedures used in professional production, such as pre-production and post-production operations, planning strategies and technical skills for broadcast and digital media production. |
JM 476 Short Film and Documentary Film Production Fundamental knowledge of skills in digital film production. Means of achieving disciplined expression in film. Students will produce a short documentary or fictional film based on a range of technical, stylistic, and conceptual challenges. |
JM 356 Creative Communication Campaign Creative communication campaign definitions and concepts. Analyzing various campaign case studies including commercial and public service campaign. Creative communication campaign design, execution and evaluation. |
JM 477 Studio Photography Studio photography practice. Learn lighting technique and studio equipment. Focus on aspect of design for communication purpose. |
JM 357 Media and Children Children’s rights, related rules, regulations, and laws in media and communication professions as well as user-generated content. Effects of media content on children’s attitudes and behavior. |
JM 490 Internship Practical training at media instituition or student’s choice of corporation under the supervision of the faculty. The internship must cover at least 135 hours or 9 weeks. After having the internship, students must submit a report to the committee. |
JM 358 Presentation Design and Technique Concepts and techniques of presentation as an effective communication tools. Presentational skill for various communicative purposes and target audiences. Designing personal and material image construction, employing technique necessary form, carrying out presentation project. |
JM 491 Special Project An individual project that is of interest to the student carried out under faculty supervision and evaluation. |
JM 364 Marketing Communication Principles and planning procedures of marketing communications, as well as providing an analysis of the relationship between marketing and communication. Examinations of various types of marketing communication tools.
Class grades adhere to the rules and regulations of Thammasat University 1997, Section 12, 13, 14. The evaluation is separated into eight levels including;
A | B+ | B | C+ | C | D+ | D | F |
4.00 | 3.50 | 3.00 | 2.50 | 2.00 | 1.50 | 1.00 | 0.00 |

Bachelor of Arts Program in Journalism (Media Studies) (International Program), Thammasat University
2 Prachan Road, Phra Barom Maha Ratchawang, Phra Nakhon, Bangkok 10200, Thailand.