B.J.M. Prep-School 2023: Storytelling Festival
“Craft your story, shape your life”
20th – 26th July 2023
What do you expect to learn from Prep School?
- Get yourself ready for the university class & experience campus life
- New knowledge and new friends
- Improve your critical skill
- Understand the milestone of the B.J.M. program and get a glimpse of what you will be facing in the next four years

- Basic Photography Workshop
- Speaking and Presentation Skill
- Journalism in 21st Century
- Storytelling Workshop
Registration Fees included:
- All sessions
- 2 coffee breaks (morning & afternoon)
- Lunch
- Field Trip at Bangkok Post
- 2 days 1 night trip at Khao Yai
- B.J.M. T-Shirt
How to apply?