The interview examination will be held on Monday 20th May, 2024 at Room JM 203, 2nd floor, Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication Building, Thammasat University, Tha Prachan Campus. Applicants are required to wear student uniform, otherwise they will not be permitted into the examination room. International Students are permitted to dress properly instead of student uniform (no jeans, sneakers, shorts, sandals, leggings, mini-skirts and T-shirts; female students are required to wear black or dark blue skirts or pants).
**All applicants are required to bring the original documents as followed:
1) The Citizen Identification Card or Passport for foreign applicants
2) A high school transcript
3) A high school certificate or equivalency certificate
4) An English Proficiency Score Report**
Announcement of Eligible Candidates for Interview CLICK
Announcement of Successful Candidates
Result will be announced on 31st May 2024.