Ray Ting-Chun Wang
Position : Lecturer
E-mail: rtcdub87@gmail.com
- PhD Candidate, College of Management, Mahidol University
- MSc Global Media & Communication, London School of Economics and Political Science
- MA Global Media & Communication,Fudan University
- Media Business Management
- Communication for Sustainable Development
- Management Education
- Media Entrepreneurship
- Service Learning for Media Communication Education
- Sustainable Leadership
- Mixed Methods Research
- Career-Readiness Assessment
Teaching Courses:
- Introduction to Communication
- Media and Social Diversity
- Creativity and Communication
- Communication Research
- Media Business Management
- Communication for Developing Societies
List of Research Paper:
Conference Presentations
Hallinger, P., & Wang, R. (2020, March). Science mapping the knowledge base on simulations and serious games in management education, 1960-2018. In Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning: Proceedings of the Annual ABSEL conference (Vol. 47).
Wang, R. (2021, August). Educating effective practice of communication for sustainable development in Thailand. In Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Media Management, Economics, & Entrepreneurship Division.
Journal Publications
Hallinger, P., & Wang, R. (2020). Analyzing the intellectual structure of research on simulation-based learning in management education, 1960–2019: A bibliometric review. The International Journal of Management Education, 18(3), 100418.
Hallinger, P., & Wang, R. (2020). The evolution of simulation-based learning across the disciplines, 1965–2018: A science map of the literature. Simulation & Gaming, 51(1), 9-32.
Hallinger, P., Wang, R., Chatpinyakoop, C., Nguyen, V. T., & Nguyen, U. P. (2020). A bibliometric review of research on simulations and serious games used in educating for sustainability, 1997–2019. Journal of Cleaner Production, 256, 120358.”