B.J.M. FRESHMEN ORIENTATION 2017 Wednesday, 21 June 2017
The freshman orientation took place on Tuesday 20thย July 2017 to passing along information of important campus resources, college tips as well as student registration process. Students received very warm welcome from Dean of Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, Associate Professor Pornthip Sampattavanija, B.J.M. Program Director, Assistant Professor, Dr. Nitida Sangsingkeo, B.J.M. and JC lecturers.

Ajarn Sascha Funk, B.J.M. lecturers, give some tips how to survive in the next few years at the university.
Newcomers also had a chance to meet with BJM alumni, Khun Supanida Sakultangphaisal, who share her experience and give advice to new students how to optimize their success during their time in BJM.