CLICK to check your seat number and read the announcement in Thai version
Written Examination: Inter Program Admission 1
1. Written Examination
The written examination is conducted to assess knowledge on journalism and current issues in English. Applicants must take the examination on the following scheduled date and time:
- Saturday, March 26, 2022 at 09.00 – 11.00 at Lecture Classroom 4 (LC4), room 231, Thammasat University, Rangsit campus
Thai applicants must show their ID cards to the invigilator. International applicants must show their passports to the invigilator. Applicants must dress in a school uniform to the examination. International applicants must dress appropriately; above-the-knee shorts, jeans, T-shirts, flip flops, and leggings are prohibited; female applicants must wear black or dark blue skirts covering the knees.
To control and monitor the spread of COVID-19, applicants must follow the following safety measures:
**Safety Measures for COVID-19 Prevention and Control
For Admission Examination of B.J.M. Program
The Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication Academic Year 2022 **
- Applicants must submit a file containing a picture of an ID card and RT-PCR or ATK result with the applicants’ seat number written on the kit. The result must be issued within 48 hours before the examination. The file must be submitted via google form https://forms.gle/NMey58SqZNebtBW9A by March 24, 2022 at 08.00 – 24.00
**In case an applicant tests positive for COVID-19 and shows little to no symptoms (a green patient) and intends to take the examination, please follow the procedures for COVID-19 positive applicants.
- Applicants check their seat number and examination room via email and at www.bjm.jc.tu.ac.th As the written examination will be conducted in the university, it is recommended that the applicants arrive at the examination place before 08.00.
- On the written examination date, parents and outside parties are not allowed to enter the examination building areas
- Applicants must wear surgical masks at all time during their stay in the examination room and areas
- Applicants must undergo temperature screening in front of the examination room
5.1 If an applicant has a temperature of no higher than 37.5C, they will receive a sticker and join the line to enter the examination room
5.2 If an applicant’s temperature is higher than 37.5C, they will be asked to rest before recheck the temperature. Should the temperature remains above 37.5C, the applicant shall sign an agreement to take the examination in a separate room
- The university has cleaned and sanitized the examination areas and rooms and provided alcohol gel in front of every examination room. The seating has been arranged in accordance with social distancing and safety measures to prevent and control the spread of the virus
Policy for COVID-19 Positive Applicants with Confirmed RT-PCR Result Requesting to Take the Examination
- Applicants must exhibit little to no symptoms (green patients) and submit their RT-PCT result which has been issued within the last 7 days to request to take the examination by March 24, 2022 at 08.00 – 24.00 via google form: https://forms.gle/Fybeivk944vchMvC7
- Applicants must travel to the examination site by a personal vehicle. In case an applicant lacks a personal vehicle, please contact a public health center; the cost shall be covered by the applicant.
- Applicants must wear surgical masks at all time, wash hands before and after the examination, refrain from talking, and maintain social distancing during the examination
- The program will prepare a separate examination site for COVID-19 positive applicants with little to no symptoms. The seats will be arranged 2 meters apart. The details regarding the examination site will be announced via email on March 25, 2022
- Each applicant has only one right to confirm their enrollment in a program. Each applicant may apply to multiple programs or rounds; however, once the applicant has confirmed their enrollment, the applicant will not be able to apply for the next round, unless they decline their enrollment in the program first. The verification and decline of enrollment must be managed through the Clearing House system within the announced timeline. The decline of enrollment can only be done once and within the scheduled period.
2. Applicants must check own qualifications. Should the university finds that an applicant is disqualified afterward, the applicant will not be accepted
into the program nor receive a refund of the application fee.
**Applicants must take the written examination and submit application documents as scheduled. Failure to meet the aforementioned will result in disqualification. The decision of the faculty committee/institute/university is final.**